Project Details
Xsolla is an international payment services company, providing game developers and publishers with payment, billing, distribution, and marketing tools.
Key Visuals for key Xsolla products. This part was created as a part of the company redesign and recreating brand book.
Project Details
Website Date: 2022
Design Direction
Polina Molchanova
— Decomposing task, define goals from business
— Design and approve the visual style
— Meetings and explanation with stake holders of the company and CEO
— Work with design team and 3D animator

Idea and production
Xsolla is an international payment services company, providing game developers and publishers with payment, billing, distribution, and marketing tools. That’s why company need to be business oriented, but have game and entertainment design. In key visuals, we should explain main features of each Xsolla product and make it recognizable for the partners. After market research and mood boards, I have found a combination of Payment and Gaming design.
Payment design: — White and black backgrounds — Grotesk typography as Sharp — Clear and unified product screens
Gaming design: — Blank clear 3D — Technological typography as Space Mono — Gaming product icons

3D creation specially for new company identity.

Result 👀
Key Visuals helped to create a unified design system for all products and to summarize all brand elements from guidelines.
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